October 2020 Update Preview
Available Wednesday October 7th, 3pm EST (UTC -4)
Change in Release Day
We’ve switched from Friday to Wednesday releases! This was done to improve our shipping speed. Items listed are ready to go, and fulfillment will begin at 3:01 on the date of the update. Our goal is to ship all orders by the end of the week.Low Production
We have now instituted a production cutoff the Friday before our Wednesday release. Moving forward, all items will be finished, packed, and ready to go when the update posts.
As a result of that change we were only able to complete three puzzles for this release. October is looking better, since we no longer have a backlog to process. DDD Burr Set, Blah Box and Reversible Mazes have all been pushed to the next release on November 4th.
We apologize for delays in the past and are looking forward to improved service in the future.
Monthly Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to Ted Whittlesey for winning our monthly giveaway! Ted scored a free copy of the BonBon puzzle simply for being an active member of our newsletter. If you'd like to join, just drop your email address in the box on the lower right of any page on the site.
Tip Jar
We have added a tip jar which is distributed among our production staff every three months. This is the only time we will mention it's presence, there will be no other link posted. In the future if you wish to tip our hardworking staff, simply search for "tip jar" in the search box.
Recognition for Product Reviews
We use Judge.me reviews for their high standard of integrity. Recently we were recognized by Judge.me with a dedicated page to showcase our performance.
This was earned by our top 5% performance in Authenticity (ratio of verified reviews), Transparency (publishing all reviews), and Quantity (number of reviews).
We have you to thank for this honor! The time you take to provide feedback is highly appreciated and valued.
Now, on to the Puzzles....
Six Slabs Packing Puzzle
DESIGNER: | Brendan Perez |
MATERIAL: | Quilted Maple, Wenge |
RELEASE DATE: | 10.7.2020 |
PRICE: | $99 |
SIZE: | 2.625" |
Six Slabs is a unique packing puzzle reminiscent of the Hexahedroom design. Six uniform "slabs" must be packed into the box, which has three openings in a non-symmetrical pattern. This is complicated by two fixed blocks inside the box. With a level solution, Six Slabs is non-trivial to solve. Approximately 70 copies were made; ships disassembled. |
Puzzler's Cage Interlocking Puzzle
DESIGNER: | Junichi Yananose (Juno) |
MATERIAL: | Bubinga, Schedua, Black Palm |
RELEASE DATE: | 10.7.2020 |
PRICE: | $119 |
SIZE: | 3.75" |
Are you ready? No. You're not ready. This puzzle is a BEAST. |

BonBon Packing Puzzle
DESIGNER: | Frederic Boucher |
MATERIAL: | Butternut and Morado |
RELEASE DATE: | 10.7.2020 |
PRICE: | $89 |
SIZE: | 3.7" x 3" x 2" |
The "BonBon" packing puzzle by Frederic Boucher is just a ton of fun. The set of five tetrominos must be fully inserted in the rectangular box, and there is only one very specific way to do it. The solution requires well over a dozen correct moves, including rotations. |